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Level 3

very slow internet



I recently (~2 weeks ago) got connected to the Internet Giga plan with the Connect Box. However, the internet speed is extremely slow - less than 20Mbps most days. Of course, as you can imagine work calls lag or just plain drop.

I've also noticed there are frequent drops to the internet throughout the day.


Thanks for your help!


ps: Apologies for using English, my Dutch is not good yet.

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Aan Uit

Geaccepteerde oplossingen
Level 20

I suggest having the modem profile switched from DS-Lite to IPv4 Only, this might improve the download speeds.


If the above does not have the desired effect, you may want to consider a downgrade to Internet Max (600/40 Mbps) and the SmartWifi modem non-Giga. Only the OFDM channel is exhibiting noise problems. The non-Giga modem will only lock onto the SC-QAM channels (24 instead of 32).

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0 Kudos
Level 3

Hi @Maud ,


I think the internet has been quite stable since changing to IPv4. There were initial fluctuations in speed and the internet dropping every few minutes however it seems to have stabilized the last few days. If things get worse I'll be sure to update. Thanks!

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27 Reacties 27
Level 21

I see a lot of resistance, the signal barely comes in and it is hardly possible from the modem to the Ziggo servers, so that you still have a connection can be called special.


Is this the first place Ziggo enters your house?

Or is there a cabinet somewhere where the power enters your home, where a coax cable also enters?

This is usually a green cable in a wall socket.

This is where your modem should be.

Level 3


Thank you for your reply, @Bert . Crazy to hear I have so much resistance.

There are no cabinets and I don't see any green cables. I only see three connection options (see attached photos) in this flat that I moved into recently. I used this one as the other two did not work (one I think is for TV only and there was no output and the other lone wire is a female end that I cannot even connect to) .

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Level 20

As mentioned by Bert, the signal is being attenuated severely, to a point where virtually no downstream power remains and upstream power is completely maxed out. In addition, excessive 4G and 5G noise ingress is present and the OFDM channel has downgraded itself to the lowest modulation profile (4096-QAM to 256-QAM).


I very much doubt that the modem is connected to the AOP (main outlet). It seems to be an outdated EDC1000 TV/R socket, unsuitable as an AOP. Did you inspect the area around the electrical meter and fuse box yet?


The splitter (POA-01-B) is redundant, please remove it.

Level 3

I've looked everywhere in the house including the electric meter and the fuse box. The handyman is expected tomorrow. I'll check with him on any other outlets and report back. 


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Level 21

@gb12 Is the handyman a Ziggo technician?

Because you have an installation warranty from Ziggo with a free Ziggo technician. 

0 Kudos
Level 3

@Bert - no. How can I request a Ziggo technician visit?

0 Kudos
Level 21

A Ziggo moderator will come by automatically to schedule a technician.


This is a customer help customer forum where Ziggo moderators/employees, they have Ziggo in front of their name, usually drop by in every topic within one working day.


The first point where Ziggo enters your house is only allowed to be repaired by a Ziggo technician and that is always free of charge.

For a new customer, installation is guaranteed free of charge for 1 TV, 1 computer and 1 landline telephone.

Erik S
Oud Community Moderator
Oud Community Moderator

Hi there @gb12 and welcome to the Ziggo Community 🙂

I'm very sorry for the inconvenience and for the slow internet speed you're experiencing at home. I can see an engineer has been scheduled already for next week. Will you keep us posted here and let us know if the engineer was able to solve the issue? We'd appreciate that.

Have a lovely day!

Level 21

@gb12 You can check in My Ziggo whether there is an earlier possibility that the technician can come.

In the early morning, look in My Ziggo under Technician Appointments to see if you can schedule the appointment earlier. 

Level 3

Thank you for the tip @Bert . I'll keep checking to see if I can find an earlier slot.


In the meantime, I managed to find the location of the green cable in the power cabinet for my flat in the building. I've attached photos, hoping this can help with something now while I wait for the technician next week.

0 Kudos
Level 20

The modem should be connected directly to the (AOP) outlet below:




The (outdated) VX67 amplifier is bypassed, which means only one outlet inside your apartment is currently operational, the one which the modem is currently connected to. In case you would like to connect a TV/decoder, a POA-01-B splitter would need to be installed onto the AOP to connect both modem and amplifier to.

Level 3

Hi @Erik S , it's been a little over 24 hours since the Ziggo technician's visit. Unfortunately, I'm disappointed to say that the speed seems have gotten worse (and I've been measuring it periodically). See attached photos.


The technician did some work and reported to me that his handheld tool shows that the signal and strength look great and everything is fixed (even though the speedtest sites might show fluctuating data). He also confirmed that I have no need for an amplifier and simply connected the cable that runs to the flat directly to the AOP outlet.


This is super frustrating to be on calls.


How can this be resolved asap?

0 Kudos
Level 20

Both downstream and upstream power have been greatly improved, approximately 20 dB of attenuation has been removed. This must mean that the modem has been moved to the electrical room, correct? Or did the technician move your (green) cable to a different tap outside? Your apartment (albeit only one of its outlets) was already connected directly to the AOP.


Downstream still exhibits noise, particularly on the OFDM channel, uncorrectable errors should be 0.

0 Kudos
Level 3

@tobiastheebe - thanks for your reply. 


The AOP and the green cable are in the electric closet on the ground floor of the building. My flat is on the 1st floor. So, no, the modem is connected to the outlet in my living room. What the technician informed me was the white cable connected to the AOP downstairs is the same cable that runs up to the outlet in my living room. Hope that helps.

0 Kudos
Level 20

In that case, the technician must have moved your green cable to a different tap (with less attenuation) to correct the power levels. Ziggo only guarantees reliable operation of the modem when it is connected directly to the AOP using a 1.5-meter cable, via a maximum of one splitter. Currently, this requirement is not met.


Did the technician replace the (outdated) outlet inside your apartment? Also, if the POA-01-B splitter is still installed, please remove it and connect the modem directly to the outlet.

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Community Moderator
Community Moderator

@gb12 any improvement with the tips of @tobiastheebe about removing the splitter? 
Since the signal is improved but not totaly clean, that is still an issue. 

I understand this part of the layout of your house: AOP Ziggo is downstairs and you live on the first floor.
The technician replace the wall socket in your living room, this solved the signal problem. Somehow this wall socket was not connected properly. 

The main question remains, is the signal faulty due to in house cables or not? Can this installation situation be the issue? 
You can verify this by connecting the modem downstairs and share the signal details again. 

0 Kudos
Level 3

Hi, @Jos @tobiastheebe 


The modem is connected directly to the outlet in the flat (not with the splitter). I'll update shortly after connecting the modem directly to the AOP as suggested.

0 Kudos
Level 3

Hi @Jos @tobiastheebe  ,


I connected the modem directly to the AOP and captured the DS and US data. I then connected the modem back into the apartment's socket and captured the DS and US data. They are identical.


However, the speeds appear slightly better than last time but fluctuate quite a lot. Please see the photos.



0 Kudos
Level 20

Significant downstream noise is present on both AOP and apartment outlet, 4G ingress on SC-QAM channels and uncorrectable errors on OFDM channel (should be 0). Overall MER (signal/noise ratio) is quite low. This requires further investigation by Ziggo, and possibly another technician, unfortunately.


I have notified the moderators.