I recently installed Ziggo SmartWifi modem.
Internet is working ok, but I want to install also the Wifi booster and the SmartWifi app (on my Android phone) cannot connect to the modem.
Any idea how to solve this?
Thank you!
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Unfortunately still doesn't work
I'm sorry to read this @Osiek95. Did you also try to reboot your modem before installing? If not, can you please check if this will work? Did you also check if you activated SmartWifi in the interface of your Ziggo modem? Hopefully this will work. If not, please let me know and specify the step where you get stuck.
Hi @Osiek95
When I check your details I see an update from this morning. According to this update the modem and pods are activated. I'm very curious if everything is working at this moment? If not, can you please put the modem to factory default? If it's still not working after this, please let me know if you are using the latest version of the app, which iOS version and if you are using antivirus software. Did you also test other devices?
Hello,I have chatted yesterday with you guys and it seems that everything works.
Thanks for your help !!!
Ah, thanks for this update @Osiek95. I'm happy to read that everything is working right now 🙂
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