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Level 3

Ziggo Connection Dropping Since Storing...

Hi Ziggo Community, 


I had a storing event in my area over the weekend. The event lasted two days and since then my internet has be frequently dropping out. I've switched the connect box giga off and on a few times over the last couple days but still the problem persists. 

The problem did not exist before the storing event. Any help would be amazing! 

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Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Sorry to hear that, @Devon_NL. I can see the new modem is active but I am not seeing it online. Please ask your friend to install it by following this steps 

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13 Reacties 13
Level 21

Om je binnenkomend en uitgaand signaal te kunnen beoordelen, kun je hier uit je modem de volledige pagina's van downstream en upstream waarden plaatsen met een schermafbeelding en de laatste dagen Netwerk historie?

Waar vind ik de up- en downstreamwaardes van mijn modem?


En kun je een foto hier plaatsen van de eerste plaats waar Ziggo je huis binnenkomt met eventuele splitters, versterkers en het modem op de foto?

Level 3

Hi Bert! 


Thank you for the quick response. The gigabox does not have any splitters. There is only the coax cable connected from the wall sock to the modem. I've attached the up and downstrea below. I could not find the network history though? Let me know if this helps. 

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Level 21

There is clearly visible interference from 5G mobile telephony.

Can you post a picture here of the first place where Ziggo enters your house?

Is there the modem attached?

Level 3

Hi Bart, 


How would a 5G mobile phone be causing drop outs from the modem? I've also attached pictures of where our ziggo enters the house. I've looked in the meter cupboard to find a ziggo wire but there is nothing visible. 

Let me know what else you need. 317153211_2754426871357890_6705896345839011172_n.jpg317129020_367699055561699_7293342489650549457_n.jpg

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Level 21

"How would a 5G mobile phone be causing drop outs from the modem?"


Noise can be seen on the 5G frequencies 802 and 810 MHz in the downstream channel 26 and 27.


A Ziggo moderator may be able to see more in the background, they will visit this topic one of the next few days and take the necessary steps.

Level 3

Thanks Bert, could this also be the reason why I may be getting much lower download speeds over wifi? 


I'll be waiting for the Ziggo Moderator to take a peak. 

Community Moderator
Community Moderator

I kinda have the idea that the picture of the main socket, isn't just the main one. Where does the signal come into your appartment? Isn't there any signal point or green cable in the meter cupboard?

Level 3

Hi Jamyla, 


The connection seems to be just in the wall as I can’t find it in the meter cupboard anywhere. 



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Oud Community Moderator
Oud Community Moderator

Thanks @Devon_NL
In that case our mechanic will sort out what's going wrong. I've made a appointment for 07-12 between 12.00 & 18.00. You will get a confirmation by mail. 

The appointment has some therms. Here you can find what these are. If you disagree with the terms, you can cancel the appointment in Mijn Ziggo. If the date or time doesn't suit you, you can also reschedule the appointment in Mijn ZIggo. 

Could you please fill in your mobilenumber into your Communityprofile?

Level 3

Hi Jiri, 


I'm currently overseas in New Zealand at the moment so i just saw this message. A friend whos staying at our place said a new gigamodem has arrived at our doorstep and that the internet is not currrently working. I've checked under mijn ziggo of the appointment and there is nothing there. 


Do we just need to plug the new modem in? or do we need the ziggo mechanic to come back and sort it out? I can not make a new appointment as I can not call Ziggo from where I currently am. Please advise on what we need to do. 


Thank you! 

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Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Thanks for your update, @Devon_NL! I had a look at the notes of the mechanic. He has checked the signal and all was correct according to his notes. Please ask your friend to install the new modem, since the current modem will be deactivated. 

Level 3

Hi Rickst,


I had my friend connect the new modem and nothing is showing up. The new wifi name doesn't show up. She's tried multiple times, switching it off and on and still no luck. Could you please advise next steps. 

Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Sorry to hear that, @Devon_NL. I can see the new modem is active but I am not seeing it online. Please ask your friend to install it by following this steps