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Anne H Ziggo wrote:
Op verzoek van onze Engineers ontvangen we graag antwoord op de onderstaande vragen van jullie.
hanh wrote:
Hi caonima
This Topic is at least used to collect severe problems like yours for investigation.
The latest suggustion for a workaround is: Turn off Ziggo Hotspots.
Can imagine that your reaction could be: WTF is Ziggo Hotspots?
Come back here and I will try to explain.
rulingnose wrote:
Ik zal het vanmiddag in ieder geval testen als ik thuis ben
hanh wrote:
Well, my good community friend Be rtBe rt explains it beforehand.Be rt
Can you cope with this?
Let us know. Especially also in case it solved your problem!
caonima wrote:
hanh I tried turning off Wifispots. However, the wifi connection still falls away from time to time, even more frequently than before.. Now I am desperate...
Vul de belangrijkste trefwoorden in en vind het topic die past bij je vraag. Onze community zit boordevol kennis.
Start je eigen topic en krijg hulp van anderen. Op de community helpen ervaren klanten je graag op weg.