The Ziggo Router and Booster I have will not allow me to use OpenDNS to block unwanted adult content on our home network.
I am not interested in putting filters on each device and would prefer to stop all questionable adult content from being accessed on our home network.
Are there other routers/booster that I can purchase to replace the Ziggo router and still access the internet?
Have others been able to protect their children from adult content at the router?
Opgelost! Ga naar oplossing.
A separate router (such as TP-Link's Deco M4) will allow you to set custom DNS servers to be distributed within the LAN.
It is not possible to replace the modem/router provided by Ziggo with your own router, however you may (request to) configure it to operate solely as a modem by setting up bridge mode. This will allow you to obtain maximum performance from your own router.
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A separate router (such as TP-Link's Deco M4) will allow you to set custom DNS servers to be distributed within the LAN.
It is not possible to replace the modem/router provided by Ziggo with your own router, however you may (request to) configure it to operate solely as a modem by setting up bridge mode. This will allow you to obtain maximum performance from your own router.
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