Hello guys,
Since the day I got my Ziggo internet (about a month ago, I think), during evenings, almost every day that I use it I'm experiencing unstable ping while gaming. I wonder if it's fixable somehow or it is due to some kind of infrastructure problems?
I am connected to my PC via cable, although the Wi-Fi is unstable in the same way.
I'm uploading some screenshots with how the wall socket looks and the router. Also a screenshot of PingPlotter and a ping of google DNS. The cable from the wall socket to the router is 1.5 meter long.
Any suggestions or further questions for information for troubleshooting would be greatly appreciated!
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@Indigo Good to read that your overall experience has been improved! I suggest we still monitor how the connection is working in the upcoming days. In case you experience problems with the connection make a note of the date and time the problem persists.
@Indigo What are your findings in regards to the connection? Did you still experience issues concerning the connection?
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