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Level 4

Unstable ping

Hello guys,

Since the day I got my Ziggo internet (about a month ago, I think), during evenings, almost every day that I use it I'm experiencing unstable ping while gaming. I wonder if it's fixable somehow or it is due to some kind of infrastructure problems?

I am connected to my PC via cable, although the Wi-Fi is unstable in the same way.

I'm uploading some screenshots with how the wall socket looks and the router. Also a screenshot of PingPlotter and a ping of google DNS. The cable from the wall socket to the router is 1.5 meter long.

Any suggestions or further questions for information for troubleshooting would be greatly appreciated!


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41 Reacties 41
Community Testspecialist
Community Testspecialist

@Indigo I am very sorry that your connection still doesn't work as it should.  I noticed that the networkticket is still open. I've asked our networkspecialist for an update. I'll let you know as soon as I have an update for you in regards to the ticket. I am very sorry for the inconvenience! 

Level 4

Hey there again,

So I got a message from Ziggo on my email that there were supposed to be some improvements this Monday (25th of April) after maintenance, however I can't say that it helped much. Is there perhaps anything else that can be done?

Also, @Paul, I don't know if this was the maintenance in regards to your ticket or just a separate occasion, did you perhaps hear anything of it?

Attaching some pictures of PingPlotter again (on the 2022-04-25 one you can see the difference in a comparison to a neighbor's WiFi after the 4th red line; also the 2022-04-30 after the grey area)

Thanks once again!

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Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Hi @Indigo,


There has been maintenance, but it isn't related to the ticket from Paul. We have asked for a status update about that one and hope to provide you some more information soon!

Community Testspecialist
Community Testspecialist

Good afternoon @Indigo,

We have received an update from our network specialists. My colleagues have informed us that the existing coaxial cables to the group amplifier will be replaced by fiber optic cable. In addition, the OFDM(A) channel will be activated. The preparation and implementation for this has already started. The OFDM(A) channel is expected to be activated in your neighborhood this summer. We can already exchange the modem you have now for a Ubee1318ZG (non-wifi, Docsis 3.1) modem. This modem directly uses the OFDM(A) channel as soon as this frequency is activated. Please let me know if you want me to swap your current modem to the Ubee (Docsis 3.1) modem.

Level 4

Hi again!


It is really nice to hear that something is being done about it! As for the modem, is there a possibility that the current one will work just as well when the works are completed?


Thanks again!

0 Kudos
Level 20

The current modem is compatible with EuroDOCSIS 3.0 only and will not lock the new DOCSIS 3.1 (OFDM(A)) channels, however the upgraded components should improve the overall signal quality (on the SC-QAM channels as well) on the current modem. Swapping the modem for a UBC1318ZG will improve latency and jitter.

Community Testspecialist
Community Testspecialist

@Indigo What our expert @tobiastheebe says is right. Your current modem supports EuroDocsis 3.0 only and will not lock the new DOCSIS 3.1 (OFDM(A)) channels. Considering the fact that the SC-QAM channels will also improve as soon as the components have been replaced we can also determine to wait for this work to be carried out. It is quite possible that the adjustments to the network are already sufficient for an optimal connection. If necessary we can determine to swap to a Ubee1318ZG as well if you want. 

Level 4

Sounds good, guys! So if it is possible, I'd like to swap the modem to this one then.

0 Kudos
Level 20

Be aware that the UBC1318ZG does not contain a Wi-Fi access point, so you will have to install a separate AP.

Level 4

That's alright, thanks!

Community Testspecialist
Community Testspecialist

@Indigo Thank you very much for your quick reply. I've sent you a Ubee1318ZG modem free of charge to replace the current modem. You will receive the new Ubee modem within 2 to 3 working days. You can send back the old modem to the address below.



Antwoordnummer 1070

5800VB Venray

Note: Please bear in mind to keep the shipping receipt safe. This is proof that the old modem has been handed over to Post NL. Tip: take a photo with your smartphone or camera right away. The paper shipping receipt fades quickly in the sun.

Please let us know what your findings are with the new modem. We'll keep in touch via this topic. 😉

Level 4

Hey guys, I just received the new modem, connected everything as usual but something really weird is happening. At first I thought I was getting no connection at all, as I can't even load However, for some reason, sites like google, facebook, youtube or gmail seem to work, but anything other than that - not. Is there still some activation protocol that has to take place or something? Any ideas? Thanks!

0 Kudos
Level 20

Strange indeed, could you verify whether your PC has obtained a DHCP IPv4 address from the router i.e. post an ipconfig /all screenshot for 'Ethernet adapter Ethernet'?

Level 4

Nevermind, it sorted itself out haha

Community Testspecialist
Community Testspecialist

@Indigo Good to read that the problem has sorted itself out. 😉 Please let us know if there's anything else we can help you with. 

0 Kudos
Level 4

Hey! Yeah, I just have one question - I didn't get a return label in the box with the new modem, should I just use the one here? https://www.ziggo.nl/klantenservice/apparaten/terugsturen

Or should it be something else? If it is something else, you could also send it to me digitally, I could print it myself. Thanks 🙂

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Community Testspecialist
Community Testspecialist

@Indigo That's indeed the right return adres. You can send back the old modem to this address.

Antwoord 1070
5800 VB Venray

I can also send you a returnbox in which you can send back the old modem. 

0 Kudos
Level 4

Okay, thanks! It's fine, I will use the new modem's box, it fits nicely

Community Testspecialist
Community Testspecialist

@Indigo We are wondering what your findings are with the new modem. Is everything working properly? 

0 Kudos
Level 4

Hello. It has been much better, so thank you for the replacement! Sometimes there is still some fluctuating ping during evenings, so it's not perfect, but overall it has been better.