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Level 1

Slow WiFi

Hello all,


For some time now (several weeks at least) i have issues with the WiFi... It is terribly slow at times.

 Just now, performed the speedtest on the ziggo website and got c. 20mb download and c. 10mb upload... Far below the promised 250-300mb download speed (I know it is 250mb for cable, but still - WiFi should not be that slow). Router is Technicolor TC7210 and have it for quite some time now.


Downstream Channel
ChannelLock StatusModulationChannel IDSymbol RateFrequencyPowerSNR
1LockedQAM25626952000610000000 Hz9.1 dBmV41.5 dB
2LockedQAM25636952000618000000 Hz9.0 dBmV41.2 dB
3LockedQAM25646952000626000000 Hz8.7 dBmV41.2 dB
4LockedQAM25666952000642000000 Hz8.8 dBmV41.2 dB
5LockedQAM25676952000650000000 Hz8.7 dBmV41.1 dB
6LockedQAM25686952000658000000 Hz8.6 dBmV41.1 dB
7LockedQAM256136952000698000000 Hz7.7 dBmV40.3 dB
8LockedQAM256146952000706000000 Hz7.4 dBmV40.2 dB
9LockedQAM256156952000714000000 Hz7.3 dBmV40.1 dB
10LockedQAM256166952000722000000 Hz7.3 dBmV40.1 dB
11LockedQAM256176952000730000000 Hz7.0 dBmV40.0 dB
12LockedQAM256196952000746000000 Hz7.0 dBmV40.0 dB
13LockedQAM256206952000754000000 Hz6.5 dBmV39.8 dB
14LockedQAM256216952000762000000 Hz6.3 dBmV39.8 dB
15LockedQAM256226952000770000000 Hz5.8 dBmV39.7 dB
16LockedQAM256236952000778000000 Hz5.7 dBmV39.7 dB


Upstream Channel
ChannelLock StatusModulationChannel IDSymbol RateFrequencyPower
1LockedQAM6475120 Ksym/sec36000000 Hz45.5 dBmV
2LockedQAM6465120 Ksym/sec44500000 Hz46.0 dBmV
3LockedQAM6455120 Ksym/sec52000000 Hz46.0 dBmV
4LockedQAM6485120 Ksym/sec58800000 Hz46.5 dBmV



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Aan Uit

Geaccepteerde oplossingen
Level 21

Possible solution: Give 2.4 and 5 GHz a different Wi-Fi name and connect to 1 of the 2. Also check with Wifi Analyzer, download from the app stores, whether the neighbors are not on the same channel, otherwise set your own WiFi to a different channel and fix it.

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1 Reactie 1
Level 21

Possible solution: Give 2.4 and 5 GHz a different Wi-Fi name and connect to 1 of the 2. Also check with Wifi Analyzer, download from the app stores, whether the neighbors are not on the same channel, otherwise set your own WiFi to a different channel and fix it.

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