My network is currently mixed 2.4/5 ghz under one network name. When I try to simply 'disable' the 5ghz for a few minutes to be able to set up a video doorbell, I can no longer connect to the network from any device (mobiles, computers, tablets).
I don't have smart pods connected, I have simply the connection directly to the router.
Even if I were able to set up the guest network to 2.4ghz that would help for the set up, but I can't select that either.
Any ideas?
Opgelost! Ga naar oplossing.
@tomtom10 If you disable SmartWifi optimization, the WiFi part will reboot and it can take up to 10 minutes for 5 GHz to come back. After that you can rename the 2.4 and 5 GHz in Wireless Security.
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Maybe you have set up different passwords for 2.4 vs 5GHz?
Als je een SmartWifi modem hebt:
Staat de SmartWifi optimalisatie ingeschakeld in je wifi instellingen?
Zo ja, zet dan de SmartWifi optimalisatie op uitgeschakeld en sla de instellingen op, hierna kun je 2,4 en 5 GHz andere namen geven.
Hey @tomtom10. Im very curious; did the suggestions help you any further? Can we still help you with anything?
Hey, unfortunately no, because I did follow the options above (like disabling SmartWifi optimization). I am unable to create 2 separate networks, and if I try to Disable 5ghz + disable optimization and keep 2.4ghz only, then I immediately get all devices disconnected from the network (phones, tablets, computers) and need to call Ziggo to remotely re-enable 5ghz 😞
@tomtom10 If you disable SmartWifi optimization, the WiFi part will reboot and it can take up to 10 minutes for 5 GHz to come back. After that you can rename the 2.4 and 5 GHz in Wireless Security.
Thanks, Bert!
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