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Zpiep wrote:
Test sites also test more then only the main test and also klick on hamburger menu for more info
Speeds, ping and more
do tests with different settings network and with wifi and cable and so on post results here
hanh wrote:
Switching to IPv4 Firmware should fix your problem.
Check Beheer>Informatie in the ConnectBox or something like Admin>Info.
Does it look like the attached image?
Then you have IPv4 Firmware & everything should work fine now.
Or are there still any IPv6 addresses visible?
In that case the change to IPv4 Firmware isn't effective yet.
You could try a Factory reset:
In Dutch but I'm sure you'll find your way.
If no luck, you need to contact Ziggo again. Maybe they forgot to mention that a Firmware change can take a while. Can be a day or even longer..
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