Today I have changed my provider (from t-mobile to ziggo) and I have a problem with very low upload speed on my PS5! Download speed is about 800mbps and upload 3 to 5mbps ..! In the game like fifa ping is good about 15,in BF 2042 about 17. console is connected directly to ziggo modem with a lan cable cat8.
With T-mobile I did not have this problem! I would get about 25mbps upload which was max in my contract!
I have checked some other same reports here in Ziggo community but could not find right answer or solution!
I know I have to test and try port forwarding but I do not understand that menu and how to add the values! If someone can explain with pictures would be great!
Or if someone found another fix or solution plz let me know!
Opgelost! Ga naar oplossing.
I see that a technician is already scheduled for 17-04 between 08:00 - 13:00. The technician will then replace the AOP @ArashNik.
Hi @ArashNik. I'm glad the technician replaced the first accespoint in the meter cabinet and the outlet in the livingroom. As far I can see the our signal looks really good. The speed is also held with the special meter and on the Playstation browser.
Unfortunately the problem does only appear when you're testing directly on the Playstation Server. On the internet I read several sortlike problems and it seems that you - based on the username and problem - have had this problem also with another provider. From our side I think I have to say we can't do anything more to improve the uploadspeed for this specific server. Perhaps you can share the situation on the Playstation Community?
Jij bent de IT-hulplijn in je straat, de verlichting werkt thuis op commando en je groet de pakketbezorger met de slimme deurbel. Herkenbaar? Dan zijn de Community events echt iets voor jou! Doe mee en sluit je aan.
This is a customer help customer forum where Ziggo moderators/employees, they have Ziggo in front of their name, usually drop by in every topic within one working day.
Make sure that your zip code and house number are in your Ziggo community profile, they cannot be seen publicly, so the correct information can be obtained immediately.
After clicking on the link below, scroll down on the page: https://community.ziggo.nl/t5/user/myprofilepage/tab/personal-profile:personal-info
Make sure your zip code and house number are in your Ziggo community profile, these are not visible to the public, then the correct data can be accessed immediately.
After clicking on the link below, scroll down the page a bit:
Thanks Bert. I have added those informations.
@ArashNik I had something double.
This I had to place there to:
To evaluate your incoming and outgoing signal, can you post here from your modem the full pages of downstream and upstream values with a screenshot and last days Network history?
Where can I find the up and downstream values of my modem?
Can you place a photo here of the first place where Ziggo enters your house with any splitters and amplifiers and modem in the photo?
Have you performed a speed test using Speedtest.net, as suggested in the port forwarding topic? Which upload speed does this yield?
@Bert Hi Bert , Here are the screenshots.
@tobiastheebe Hi Tobias, Here is speed test on PS5 browser..
By the way can I request to ziggo to add special settings for gamers to my internet package?
about point 4 with ziggo or anywhere else in netherlands there is no data cap at fixed internet lines unlike in belgium
The AOP (main outlet) is oudated and should be replaced by a technician. The splitter (POA-254) is redundant and the modem may be connected directly to the AOP using an IEC/F cable (green/red) instead of the current F/F cable (red/red). Upstream Tx power is high at 51 dBmV and should ideally be 42~44 dBmV. Connecting the modem directly to the AOP yields 4 dB less attenuation, which improves upstream Tx power.
The Speedtest.net result confirms that the low upload speed only appears to occur when testing against the PlayStation server.
Thanks Tobias for all the useful information. Where can I get the a technician? Has Ziggo this service to send someone to replace the old AOP outlet and give the Green/Red cable?
A moderator (Ziggo employee) can schedule a technician appointment and will reply to this topic today or tomorrow.
I see that a technician is already scheduled for 17-04 between 08:00 - 13:00. The technician will then replace the AOP @ArashNik.
Here are the values after changing the AOP in meterkast and living room and connect modem directly with red/green cable to AOP. With Special speed meter that technician had he could get more than 1gb dl and 75 upload by AOP in the living room where the modem is. Still upload speed by PS5 speed test is limited(there is very small improvment,from 3,5 mb to 7,8 mb) and technician said is better to connect ps5 lan cable to port 1 on the modem.
Hi @ArashNik. I'm glad the technician replaced the first accespoint in the meter cabinet and the outlet in the livingroom. As far I can see the our signal looks really good. The speed is also held with the special meter and on the Playstation browser.
Unfortunately the problem does only appear when you're testing directly on the Playstation Server. On the internet I read several sortlike problems and it seems that you - based on the username and problem - have had this problem also with another provider. From our side I think I have to say we can't do anything more to improve the uploadspeed for this specific server. Perhaps you can share the situation on the Playstation Community?
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