Since few days, when I typed ipconfig on my PC , I get kpn as local network while I am connected by wire directly to my ziggo box.
I also get an ip address in the while before it was
How is it possible ?
Thanks for your feedback
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++ TOBIAS ++
thanks !! I disconnected my powerline adapters and I got a ziggo ip address.
Thanks +++
Jij bent de IT-hulplijn in je straat, de verlichting werkt thuis op commando en je groet de pakketbezorger met de slimme deurbel. Herkenbaar? Dan zijn de Community events echt iets voor jou! Doe mee en sluit je aan. is an intranet IP address, which is usually allocated to mobile phones, desktops, laptops, TVs, smart speakers and other devices. Private Use IP WIFI | IP Address (English) 🔍 (ipshu.com) is the default LAN subnet used by KPN (Experia) Box modems.
Could you post the first half your public IPv4 address? Which type of Ziggo 'box' (modem) do you use? is the default KPN gateway.
192.168.2.xxx is the default KPN IP range for the routers used by KPN.
@EJD44 if you check the public IP what are the first six nummers? And which ISP is displayed?
I can not access to my ziggo box, because I get a kpn lan. When I enter the gateway in my browser I see a kpn gui... while I am connected by wire to my ziggo box.
I have the smartwifi modem. I reset it by pressing the reset button during 10-15 seconds. I still have the problem
Either your PC is connected to the LAN behind a KPN (Experia) Box modem instead of a Ziggo modem, or your PC is additionally connected to a KPN Wi-Fi SSID.
IPv4 : 86.89.63.xx
ISP = Ziggo BV
Your PC appears to be connected to two LANs (both Ziggo and KPN) simultaneously. Could you post the ipconfig output?
I disabled the Wifi on my PC and I am directly connected by wire to the Ziggo modem. That is the reason why I do not understand why I get this ip address and the network name : kpn.
* no longer relevant*
Correction: 86.89.63.x is a KPN address, not a Ziggo address, i.e. KPN is being used for both LAN and WAN connectivity. Please describe how your PC is connected and/or post a picture of the modem.
Configuration IP de Windows
Carte réseau sans fil Connexion réseau sans fil 2 :
Statut du média. . . . . . . . . . . . : Média déconnecté
Suffixe DNS propre à la connexion. . . :
Carte réseau sans fil Connexion réseau sans fil :
Statut du média. . . . . . . . . . . . : Média déconnecté
Suffixe DNS propre à la connexion. . . :
Carte Ethernet Connexion au réseau local :
Suffixe DNS propre à la connexion. . . : kpn
Adresse IPv6. . . . . . . . . . . . . .: 2001:1c00:e8e:cd00:51b:e1d0:744:xxxx
Adresse IPv6. . . . . . . . . . . . . .: 2a02:a44b:9568:1:51b:e1d0:744:xxxx
Adresse IPv6 temporaire . . . . . . . .: 2001:1c00:e8e:cd00:2939:caec:2b7b:xxxx
Adresse IPv6 temporaire . . . . . . . .: 2a02:a44b:9568:1:cdd7:369e:aa97:xxxx
Adresse IPv6 de liaison locale. . . . .: fe80::51b:e1d0:744:xxxx
Adresse IPv4. . . . . . . . . . . . . .: 192.168.2.xxx
Masque de sous-réseau. . . . . . . . . :
default gw // Passerelle par défaut. . . . . . . . . : fe80::6a02:b8ff:fe06:xxxx
Internet --< coax cable >--- SmartWifiModem_Ziggo ---<IP cable >--- My PC
The UTP cable to your PC must have been swapped and connected to a KPN modem's LAN.
I plugged the ip cable directly from the ziggo box to my PC
A direct ethernet connection from a Ziggo modem's LAN to a PC which is subsequently on a KPN modem's LAN is virtually impossible. This could only occur if improperly secured powerline adapters are in use which are bridging to a KPN customer's LAN containing a similar type of powerline adapters.
++ TOBIAS ++
thanks !! I disconnected my powerline adapters and I got a ziggo ip address.
Thanks +++
Great, glad to read that. I was experiencing a similar problem ~7 years ago.
And how did you solve it ??? I need the powerline adapters....
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