Hello. I'm having issues using the Aspera Connect app to upload files for work. My company told me this seems to be a regular issue with Ziggo connections. Is this a known problem on your side?
Downloads seem to work but uploads do not.
One suggestion is to enable ipv4 port forwarding on my router. Is it possible to enable this on my equipment? Currently I can only change settings for ipv6.
Opgelost! Ga naar oplossing.
Hello. I can confirm that the change to ipv4 has fixed the issue. Uploads using Aspera Connect are now working. Thanks for your help!
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This is a customer help customer forum where Ziggo moderators/employees, they have Ziggo in front of their name, usually drop by in every topic within one working day.
Make sure that your zip code and house number are in your Ziggo community profile, they cannot be seen publicly, so the correct information can be obtained immediately.
After clicking on the link below, scroll down on the next page: https://community.ziggo.nl/t5/user/myprofilepage/tab/personal-profile:personal-info
Hi Bert, my profile is up to date.
Goodmorning @greenlight and a warm welcome to our Community,
Good that you started a tpoic in regards to the problem with the Aspera Connect app. I had a look at your connection and I notice that your modem currently has an IPV6 DS Lite profile. This can be a problem with some apps or connections which don't support IPV6. Due to your question I've send a request to change your modemprofile to IPV4 Only. This way you should be able to use the Aspera Connect App. Please bear in mind that it can take up to 24 hours before the modem profile has changed.
Hi Paul, thanks for processing the change to the modem profile. Hopefully it'll solve the Aspera problem!
@greenlight You're welcome. Please let us know what your findings are as soon as the modemprofile has been changed to IPV4 only.
Hello. I can confirm that the change to ipv4 has fixed the issue. Uploads using Aspera Connect are now working. Thanks for your help!
@greenlight Thank you very much for your reply! I am glad that changing the modemprofile to IPV4 only fixed the issue with the Aspera Connect app. In case there's anything else we can do, please let us now.
I wish you a very nice day!
Thanks, same to you! Happy uploading 🙂
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