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Level 2

Internetsnelheid is niet genoeg na het wijzigen van een abonnement van 1GB

I am sorry, but my Dutch is not good enough to write.
But I can read, or use automatic translation, so please feel free to advise me in Dutch.


I have a problem of Internet speed after changing to 1gb subscription with a new modem, from 600mb subscription.


The situation is as follows:

1) My current computer, macbook air 12.1, have 350-420mb upload and 45-50mb download after changing subscription.
It used to have around 600mb with 600mb subscription.


2) I have connected the old computer, macbook air 10.13, and found it has around 900mb upload.


3) Both computers are using cable connection. What is the difference? The adapter between internet cable and computer is different. The old adapter cannot be used for the current computer due to different outlet.


4) So I tried another adapter and also ordered a new adapter for the current computer, but the internet speed is still same, not improved. All adapters are suitable for 1gb use.


5) According to Ziggo customer centre, there might be something to interfere in computer system. And I found security software's icon running in Network.


6) I contacted to the security software company, and temporarily suspended this software as their advice. But the internet speed is still not improved.


It is highly appreciated if you could have same/similar experiences, or any advices, and share with me.

Thank you so much in advance.


Kind regards,


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Aan Uit

Geaccepteerde oplossingen
Level 16


I'm not easily scared bij pictures. Real life, well ........... 😉


Read this article.

It perfectly describes your speed problem, and give's a solution. I do not know if it's available for purchase in Nederland or Europe. But now you know what chipset to search for.

Bekijk in context

17 Reacties 17
Wim C.
Level 18

Hi @mio 

Welcome and good that you've found this customer-help-customer forum, where I myself am also a customer. Ziggo moderators usually visit each topic within one working day (between Monday and Friday).

Just to start at the beginning and rule out possible causes: could you post a photo of the first place where Ziggo enters your home (AOP) with any splitters, signal amplifiers and the modem in the photo?

350-420 mb upload and 45-50 mb should be the other way around: download: 350-420 Mbps and upload: 45-50 Mbps. Your

What happens if you connect both apples via wifi? WiFi speed is usually lower than the maximum internet speed of your subscription.


0 Kudos
Level 2

Hi @Wim C. 
Thank you for your response!
I note it and will expect some advices from moderators next week.


Further to my first post, I am clarifying the situation a bit more:
- Yes, you are right. 350-420Mbps download and 45-50Mbps upload, and 900Mbps download are correct.
- I have wired cable connection for both computers, not WiFi.
- The connection difference of two computers is only the adapters between internet cables and computers. All other AOP or cables are the same. I have tried three suitable adapters including a new one, but all are the same results.
- After changing subscription, the current newer Apple has a speed problem, and the previous old Apple has good speed.
- (new information) I have checked with Apple Diagnostics, and found my current Apple doesn't have any problem.
- (new information) I have edited Network environment and copied current network, but it doesn't help.

0 Kudos
Wim C.
Level 18

If you are waiting for one of the moderators for advice you will need to update your profile and fill in your address details. Of course, only moderators can view your address details.

0 Kudos
Level 2

Thank you so much for your advice.
I may not have understood well about the system of community or moderators, but now know it and will adjust my profile.
I expect to hear from anybody, including customers, who have same/similar experiences or possible solutions.

0 Kudos
Level 2


350-420Mbps download and 45-50Mbps upload, and 900Mbps download

0 Kudos
Wim C.
Level 18

Hi @mio 

I had understood before that you had reversed the values. It doesn't matter, I'm bad with numbers too. 🙃

0 Kudos
Oud Community Moderator
Oud Community Moderator

Hi @mio! Welcome on the Ziggo Community! 

Too bad your internet connection is not working properly. I looked at the signal on your modem, but this looks alright! Can you send a picture of the first connection and how your modem is connected to that point? Did you tried to reset your modem? You can put it back to the default settings by pressing the reset button on the modem for 30 seconds. After this your modem will restart with the standard settings and data. How is it going then?

0 Kudos
Level 2

Hi Maud,

Thank you for your post.
I gave up using 1GB subscription a couple of days ago, after having done all efforts with no improvement, and have changed to former 600Mbps subscription.
After the previous modem was activated, the internet speed has become better than 1GB subscription, which is as before, sometimes nearly 600Mbps. Very weird....
I have a question: how do I close this topic without solving?

0 Kudos
Wim C.
Level 18

@mio wrote: “I have a question: how do I close this topic without solving?”

You can just leave this topic as it is. There is no need to close the topic. And just maybe one sunny day someone will come up with a brilliant idea. The most unexpected can sometimes happen. 😀

0 Kudos
Level 2


Have a good evening!

0 Kudos
Level 16

If I understand correctly you use two different "ethernet to USB" adapters, probably one USB A (big port) and one USB C (small port) adapter. Am I correct?

It that is true noting is wrong with your (Ziggo) network connection, but both dongles use a different chip to convert  ethernet to USB LAN. One is faster than the other (probably).


Possible solution: try to find a USB C to USB A (something like in the attached picture). And try again.

0 Kudos
Level 2

Hi Marinus,
Thank you for your advice.
I already gave up using 1GB subscription and changed back to 600Mbps subscription. The internet speed has become faster than 1GB subscription since the previous modem was activated, as before.
I agree with you. I still doubt something around connection adapter.
My current apple (without proper speed) has USB-C adapter and my previous apple (with proper 1GB speed) has Apple Thunderbolt - Gigabit Ethernet adapter.
My two USB-C adapters are suitable for 1GB use, and I also bought a new one, but all failed with the same lower speed result.
Apple doesn't sell genuine product for USB-C, but Belkin adapter is on their website.
I didn't try this adapter, but I will try it in case I want to have 1GB again.
Anyway, thank you for your post.

0 Kudos
Level 16


Can you post make and model of your current slow ethernet adapter (picture?) so we can either confirm it’s “bad” or come up with a solution if possible?

0 Kudos
Level 2

I'm using these two adapters, and bought the black one in another picture.5E0188E1-67B3-4532-9C3D-B97DF674B2F8.jpegスクリーンショット 2022-06-18 11.43.09.png

0 Kudos
Level 2

Oh....sorry. Hope these don't scare you!

0 Kudos
Level 16


I'm not easily scared bij pictures. Real life, well ........... 😉


Read this article.

It perfectly describes your speed problem, and give's a solution. I do not know if it's available for purchase in Nederland or Europe. But now you know what chipset to search for.

Level 2


The link you mentioned is exactly what I experienced! Great!!
This adapter can be bought in the Netherlands.


As I wrote, I've got back to 600Mbps subscription now.
There was some reason to have faster speed and I tried to do this by my previous apple with nearly 1GB speed.
But it didn't solve 'some reason', so I will be patient until the end of June.
From July, it may be enough with 600Mbps speed.


I think I will try this adapter anyway, because the speed seems to become more stable.
The current speed with 600Mbps subscription sometimes indicates below 500Mbps.


Thank you so much for sending the links.
Have a great evening😊

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