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Level 2

Internet does not work / Error code: 002

Dear Community, 


one month ago I purchased the "Internet Only - Start" subscription. Yesterday I received the SmartWifi modem and as of today our contract period starts. 

However, the Internet does not work even though I restarted the router multiple times. The green LED just keeps flashing. 

Then, I tried to log in multiple times to MijnZiggo and it said "We kunnen op dit moment jouw gegevens niet ophalen. Probeer het later nog een keer." (Fout code 002). 

Besides, the Track and Trace function because it is stuck at "In be handling" even though I received my installation package as mentioned.

Right now I am really clueless why nothing seems to work and I look forward to your responses. 

Bildschirm­foto 2022-11-10 um 11.24.25.png



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Geaccepteerde oplossingen
Level 21

You can make an appointment for a technician via the link, if you have not yet made an appointment:

Monteursafspraak (ziggo.nl)


Are you new to Ziggo? Or are you already a customer and have you moved? Our installation technician will be happy to install everything for you. A visit from the installation technician is free up to 8 weeks after receipt of your package or move.

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9 Reacties 9
Level 17

Hoi Kun je een beter foto maken van de aansluitdoos en de splitter?

0 Kudos
Level 20

Could you post the picture of the coax outlet, modem, splitter and cable with a higher resolution? Is this the only coax outlet inside the property? The outlet appears to be outdated.


Additionally, could you log in to the modem's web interface at and copy the data displayed on the Downstream, Upstream and Network Log tabs on the Advanced settings, Tools, Network status page?


A technician appointment may be required to (re)connect the cable from the AOP (main outlet) to the EV (final amplifier) multitap.


Finally, it may take a couple of days before your Mijn Ziggo account becomes operational.

0 Kudos
Level 2

Klein (IMG_9099).jpeg

Klein (IMG_9095).jpege

Klein (IMG_9096).jpeg

Klein (IMG_9097).jpeg


0 Kudos
Level 20

This outlet is severely outdated and must be replaced by a technician, assuming this is the only outlet inside the property, did you check this? As a new customer, you are entitled to a free initial set-up appointment ('installatiemonteur').

Level 2

Alright, thank you for the fast response.

Unfortunately, that is the only coax outlet...but there is a different outlet with DSL on it. I don't know how relevant that is though.

Klein (IMG_9098).jpeg


Bildschirm­foto 2022-11-10 um 11.56.43.png

Bildschirm­foto 2022-11-10 um 11.56.46.png

Bildschirm­foto 2022-11-10 um 11.56.50.png




0 Kudos
Level 20

The PTT ISRA outlet is only usable for POTS and DSL services offered by a different provider (KPN) and other providers utilizing their infrastructure. It is not relevant at all to Ziggo.


The AOP outlet appears to have been disconnected outside the property, since the modem fails to lock a (usable) downstream channel during the scanning phase. A technician appointment is required to re-establish the connection to the EV and replace the outlet with a btv 01-SET.

Level 2

Okay, thank you so much!!

0 Kudos
Level 21

You can make an appointment for a technician via the link, if you have not yet made an appointment:

Monteursafspraak (ziggo.nl)


Are you new to Ziggo? Or are you already a customer and have you moved? Our installation technician will be happy to install everything for you. A visit from the installation technician is free up to 8 weeks after receipt of your package or move.

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Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Hi @L_cas
Welcome to the Ziggo Community

I'm happy to see that you already have been helped out by some great Community users! In the meanwhile you already made an appointment with one of our technicians. The technician will visit you on 16 November between 12:00-18:00 hour. We look forward to receive an update after this appointment! 🙂