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Level 3

IPv4 address with own modem

I switched from the Ziggo-provided Sagemcom modem to my own modem (Fritz!Box 6690) and noticed whereas with the Sagemcom modem I had both an IPv4 and IPv6 address, my Fritz!Box 6690 was provisioned only an IPv6 address and I have IPv4 via DS-Lite.


I am (and was previously) wanting to port forward services and make them accessible over IPv4 but I understand with DS-Lite this is not possible. Is there a way to get a IPv4 address in addition to an IPv6 address using my own modem so services are available via IPv4 like it was with the Ziggo-provided Sagemcom modem?

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Level 20

You can convert Dual-Stack Lite to Full Dual-Stack (unique IPv4 address + IPv6 prefix + NAT options including port forwarding) yourself by modifying the WAN IP configuration. Moderators are only able to modify this configuration for Ziggo modems.


On the Internet, Account information page, IPv6 tab, select 'Use native IPv6 connection' and ensure that the DS-Lite suboption is disabled.

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7 Reacties 7
Level 21

What are the 1st 2 blocks of digits of your external IPv4 address?

What Is My IP? Shows Your Public IP Address - IPv4 - IPv6

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Level 3


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Level 21

A Ziggo moderator will come by here soon to look at your problem and take the necessary steps.

Level 4

Hi neilperry, i have this information for you.


What is DS-Lite and how does it work?


Dual-Stack Lite (DS-Lite) is a technology that allows applications that use the Internet Protocol v4 (IPv4) to access the internet via Internet Protocol v6 (IPv6). DS-Lite is used by internet providers that do not have sufficient public IPv4 addresses for their customers and therefore set up IPv6 internet connections with DS-Lite for them.

When used on DS-Lite internet connections, the FRITZ!Box encapsulates all data from IPv4 applications into IPv6 packets and then transmits them to the internet service provider via the IPv6 connection (IPv6-in-IPv4 tunnels). There, a special server unpacks the IPv6 packets and forwards the IPv4 data they contain to the actual destination on the internet.

With DS-Lite, almost all IPv4 applications can be used without restriction. It is only not possible to access the FRITZ!Box or devices in the home network over the internet via IPv4 because the FRITZ!Box does not obtain a public IPv4 address from the internet service provider. This means that if you are operating servers in the home network, they cannot be accessed from the internet via IPv4.

The Port Control Protocol (PCP) can be used to resolve this type of connection problem. With PCP, the FRITZ!Box can set up port sharings for itself at the internet service provider's, making it unnecessary to have the missing public IPv4 address. The FRITZ!Box already supports PCP and the first providers of DS-Lite internet connections could start to support PCP in the course of the year.

Note:If the FRITZ!Box is being used on a DS-Lite internet connection, you can access it and the home network from the internet over IPv6. However, this type of IPv6 connection can only be established if both parties have an IPv6 internet connection, which is not the case in all mobile networks and Wi-Fi hotspots, for example.


Vriendelijke groeten uit Berlijn,
Je FRITZ! Supportteam

Level 3

Thanks but I already saw this in the Fritz!Box UI. It was helpful to understand what DS-Lite is and it's impact on what I can do (it is what informed in the first place that with DS-Lite I no longer have an IPv4 address) but it doesn't really address the question of how I can get an IPv4 address with my own modem, similar to what I had with the Ziggo-provided Sagemcom.

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Level 20

You can convert Dual-Stack Lite to Full Dual-Stack (unique IPv4 address + IPv6 prefix + NAT options including port forwarding) yourself by modifying the WAN IP configuration. Moderators are only able to modify this configuration for Ziggo modems.


On the Internet, Account information page, IPv6 tab, select 'Use native IPv6 connection' and ensure that the DS-Lite suboption is disabled.

Level 3

Perfect, this worked. Thank you!