Hello, I'd like to know how can I disable IPv6 on my modem.
I just found the option to change between Stateful or Stateless, but no way to disable.
Also I can't create IPv4 port forwarding, neither use a DMZ.
Everything in this modem is for IPv6 but I have some problems with IPv6 and my company's vpn.
Also I didn't find any option to create custom routes, is that possible?
Opgelost! Ga naar oplossing.
Good morning @rsmartins78 ,
You will receive the new boot file from us within 24 hours. The modem will then be provided with an IPv4 address. Untill then, enjoy your day!
Jij bent de IT-hulplijn in je straat, de verlichting werkt thuis op commando en je groet de pakketbezorger met de slimme deurbel. Herkenbaar? Dan zijn de Community events echt iets voor jou! Doe mee en sluit je aan.
You can't do this yourself.
Ziggo can do this for you.
Do I need to call them or they read this forum?
They read this forum during daytime.
Good morning @rsmartins78 ,
You will receive the new boot file from us within 24 hours. The modem will then be provided with an IPv4 address. Untill then, enjoy your day!
Thank you!
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