is it just me? I am unable to login to DigiD and stuck at the barcode scan screen.
Though it works fine with 4G. So it's definitely not an issue with them.
@Ziggo Can you please check this issue?
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@onto Could you post the first half of your public IPv4 address?
This is not a Ziggo IP address, are you using a VPN tunnel? If so, temporarily disconnect it, reload the page and post the first half of the displayed IPv4 address again.
@BijnaWakker Good catch, I was not familiar with that service.
Sorry, I showed you the IP from my laptop (which was under VPN).
Here's the address from the mobile phone with DigiD: 94.214
WARP is on my laptop. DigiD is on my mobile. I don't think Laptop's WARP interfere with Mobile phone connections...
PS: But again, as I mentioned the other day - the effect of hanging of some apps has disappeared. I was observing it for about 1 month. Can't remember exactly when it started.
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