Level 1

Custom subnet in Connectbox + password in clear

Hello folks

Sorry for my bad dutch but hope to find some help here.
Do you know if possible to set a different network than 192.168.x.0 in Connect Box?

I had a Technicolor router and there was possible to choose your private subnet.

Also, the password on the login page is clear, Is this happening to all ConnectBox devices? This looks like a security issue.

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Oud Community-lid
I'm sorry to inform you that the only subNet you can use is
The ConnectBox has some remarkable limitations.
No problem for the average customer.
When you really want more it's better to let Ziggo put the Box in Bridge aka Modem Mode.
In that case only the Cable Modem is used for Internet. And Telephony, if you have this option. Afterwards you can connect a decent Router to the ConnecBox and off you go.
Regards, Han

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Michael Z1
Oud Community Moderator
Oud Community Moderator
Hi vicuvic, welcome here on our Community.

Be rt or hanh can probably help you with this. I just tagged them so they will pop up here soon.
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Oud Community-lid
I'm sorry to inform you that the only subNet you can use is
The ConnectBox has some remarkable limitations.
No problem for the average customer.
When you really want more it's better to let Ziggo put the Box in Bridge aka Modem Mode.
In that case only the Cable Modem is used for Internet. And Telephony, if you have this option. Afterwards you can connect a decent Router to the ConnecBox and off you go.
Regards, Han
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Level 1
Thanks Hanh

In fact, it was a bit frustrating moving from the old Technicolor allowing me to choose my own subnet, my own DNS (OpenDNS like) and having DynDNS feature in place.
I will look for a router or any other solution.
Maybe a Linux thin client running DHCP, DNS for local domain, DynDNS and even IPS (Snort like).

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Oud Community-lid
Right. I think you don't need more advise for reaching a solution that will suit you.
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