For a couple of weeks now the Connectbox is randomly failing and rebooting itself more and more. This can happen from 3 to more than 10 times a day and it can take from 10 to 30 minutes to be up and "stable" again. (until it reboots again)
I contacted Ziggo customer service to get this solved:
How can this be fixed?
I'm looking forward to get this fixed as an stable internet connection is more important than ever 😕
Attached to this post is the Connectbox networks status data & the picture of the physical connection
Physical connection
Opgelost! Ga naar oplossing.
Hi @Jiri !
Sorry for the late response, I was away this week.
Indeed, BAM came to setup a new cable and re-locate the main connector as shown in the picture below. So far we haven't experienced any internet dropouts or modem reboots, also I can see that the Downstream errors are reduced drastically.
So I think I would be safe to say that the issue with the whole installation is finally solved!
many thanks to everyone involved in solving this 🙂
small remark: The green cable was replaced by the white cable.
Network Status
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Hello did you reset the connectbox? to the factory settings?
- Last week a Ziggo mechanic came by to replace the main connector (AOP) and reset the connectbox to default settings but the problem is still persistent.
okay maybe a moderator can help you. because i dont know how i can help you with this. im sorry.
thank you anyway @Richard1993! 👍
Interference is causing trouble, specifically 4G/5G. Since the modem is connected directly to an up-to-date AOP, which in itself is connected directly to the main CAI cable, you will likely need a technician to re-verify the installation.
@moicesc your welcome👍
thank you for your response @tobiastheebe
Does a Community moderator needs to take a look at this post and confirm/arrange a new technician appointment to re-verify the installation?
Yes, a moderator will visit this topic within 2-3 days and can arrange this for you. Please fill out/verify your address details and update them if necessary. You may also contact customer support.
Hi @moicesc and welcome to our Community! The reason you visit us is not that great at all. I am really sorry that you are still experiencing severe issues with your connection. As @tobiastheebe mentioned, it is worth to schedule a technician who will take a look at this annoying situation. I have made an appointment for next Tuesday, 9th of march between 08.00 and 13.00. If this not suits you, you can reschedule it yourself in My Ziggo. Please keep us in touch :-)!
thank you @Vincent , I'm looking forward to the technician appointment. Sure will keep you posted
Hello all, here is a quick update regarding this issue.
Last week the technician came to re-verify the installation, made some measurements and detected that the signal coming from the outside green cable is not good enough, so this is root cause of the issue. He said he would open a ticket for "the contractor" to come and fix this BUT in the best-case scenario this would take another 2 weeks, maybe more 😕
this is a very frustrating situation not only for leisure (online streaming, gaming, etc) but at home we rely on a stable connection to work remotely and honestly we cannot keep using our mobile data for it. Sadly, if this issue is not fix soon we will have to consider another ISP
Hi @moicesc
Thank you for this update. When I check the note of the technician he mentioned that the problem was caused by the SNR. A new F-Connector is been placed in the EV. After placement of the new F-Connector the SNR was fine. According to the note of the technician the activities have been done and the problem need to be fixed.. I don't read anything further about cable damage and creating a ticket for a contractor. Also when I search for this ticket, there is no ticket for your area.
How is everything been going right now?
wow, this is surprising and disappointing.
The problem is not fixed at all.
like I said in my previous post, when the technician came he made some measurements on the signal from the main connector, he went outside where all the connectors come from the street (?), but the signal was still not good and he said that he was going to open the ticket for the contractor to fix the cable.
He mentioned he did something but he didn't expect that it would fix anything since the signal that was being received in the main connector was failing all the time he made the measurements. But according to your post this is not true. I don't know what to do at this point.
Good afternoon @moicesc,
I'm very sorry that the problem isn't fixed! Unfortunately I am unable to check the ticket the engineer logged to the contractor. So I have send an e-mail to get a clarification in regards to the networkissue. I will let you know as soon as I have more information about the next steps we need to take.
Hi @Paul
thank you for your response, do you have an update already with the next steps to follow?
Also let me know if you guys need more screenshots of the Router/Network status, as this issue keeps happening all the time so I can easily provide them
Good afternoon @moicesc,
I've discussed the issue with my colleagues from our network department and to resolve this problem we need to plan a network engineer. I have planned an appointment with a network engineer on Friday 19th of March between 08:00 and 13:00 o'clock. In case this date and time doesn't suit you, you are able to reschedule te appointment via Mijn Ziggo > Mijn Gegevens > Mijn Monteursafspraken. Please let us know what your findings are after the visit from our network engineer.
Kind regards,
thank you @Paul!
Looking forward this appointment and hopefully this will be fixed soon 🙂
@Moicec You're welcome! In the technician's note I have an extensive report with my findings and previous actions I am confident that the problem will be solved.
Hello all,
an update on this issue,
today the network engineer came and the first thing he did was to make frequency measurements on the main connector. He immediately identified that there was an issue with the signal and he would need to open a ticket for the contractor to fix the cable and/or outer installation. (this sounds familiar, right? 😒)
if only this would've been reported the last time the technician came, it would have save us a lot of time and we might have some progress here...
Nevertheless, he performed additional measurements from the street cabinet to the main connector that would help him understand the issue better and add this information to his report.
Luckily, this time this information was reported accurately and we already received a confirmation from BAM Telecom BV that they will arrange an appointment to fix the damaged cable.
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