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Level 2

Behind Ziggo modem Cisco 800 series DMVPN connectivity problem

Hi Team, I have tried to find any relative topics in the forum but unfortunately I can not speak Dutch and I can try to search only with translation support addons. I wanted to create my own question and I think I can get your support much better in this way. 


My point is, I am managing a personal multipoint network. I have just moved one of my branch from another country to NL. It was working in the same method and configuration but when I set up the branch in my home it did not work. 


Cisco 887 (dmvpn-spoke) ----->Ziggo modem---->internet---->Cisco 1800(HUB)


I am not using IPSEC crypto on my tunnels. 


Basically I don't need to make any port mapping in spokes because of NHRP, at least all my other locations working with same principal and I did not make any port mapping.


As my TShoot I can not diagnose the tunnel but I am pretty sure nhrp messages or some kind of traffic can not reach my cisco. 


1- As I noticed that my modem taking IPv6 I am not sure again but I am familiar to config them. Is that correct?

2- Is there any way to make a bridge mode to this cable modem?

3- What can I do to achieve this problem? I need to get up of my branch asap.


Thank you for your support.


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Level 20

Using bridge mode, the Cisco 887 router will obtain an IPv4 address (and IPv6 prefix, if available) directly from Ziggo's DHCP server on its WAN interface. Currently, double NAT traversal may well be causing problems.


Bridge mode will be activated by Ziggo after filling out this form. The modem resets automatically, usually within 1 hour.


If you are located in a former UPC area, the router profile will have to be switched to IPv4 Only first. After the reset, a 'Router status' page may be available in the modem's web interface, allowing you to activate bridge mode. If the page is not available, the form above must be filled out.

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Level 2

Thank you for your support, I have requested to change modem mode to Bridge and all my setup has been started to working. Best regards. 

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7 Reacties 7
Level 2

@Mark when I search in the forum I saw that your posts and I focused especially the VPN subject, if you can read my post and share your comments I will be appreciated.  👋

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Level 20

I don't know much about te subject but, ''Cisco 887 (dmvpn-spoke) ----->Ziggo modem---->internet---->Cisco 1800(HUB)'' can't be right.

Should be something  like ''internet---->Ziggo modem (in bridge mode) ----> 887 (dmvpn-spoke) ----->Cisco 1800(HUB)


Bridge-modus aanzetten | Ziggo | Klantenservice


Enable Bridge mode
Have you bought a super-de-luxe router that you want to use instead of the router in Ziggo's Wi-Fi modem? Then you can put our modem in bridge mode. That has advantages and disadvantages. Here you can see what the possibilities are for your modem.


This changes in bridge mode


All wi-fi options of the modem are turned off.
The DHCP server and NAT settings expire.
The firewall turns off.
You can no longer use Wifispots.
The LAN ports 2 to 4 are switched off.
IPv6 for the SmartWifi modems (Connectbox) and the Ubee 1318.

Level 20

Using bridge mode, the Cisco 887 router will obtain an IPv4 address (and IPv6 prefix, if available) directly from Ziggo's DHCP server on its WAN interface. Currently, double NAT traversal may well be causing problems.


Bridge mode will be activated by Ziggo after filling out this form. The modem resets automatically, usually within 1 hour.


If you are located in a former UPC area, the router profile will have to be switched to IPv4 Only first. After the reset, a 'Router status' page may be available in the modem's web interface, allowing you to activate bridge mode. If the page is not available, the form above must be filled out.

Level 2

Hi Steefb, thank you for your response. Topology is right based on the arrows that I pointed. Basically this kind of configurations if your branch offices has some dynamic IP addresses you can use it, it could be behind the NAT also but when I take some captures from spoke site I could not get any traffic from HUB. You don't need to make port forward because of spoke will trigger the connection first also.


Anyway thank you for your suggestion and yes my modem is standard modem came from Ziggo, no I haven't super de lux modem from them. 


Is this the bridge mode the only way to solve this ? 

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Level 2

Dear Tobias, thank you for your reply. I filled the form and sent it. double NAT you mentioned I think ISP's CGNAT first and my modem NAT is second. You could be right mate. 


what you mean about former UPC area I don't know but in my modem I could not see any mode change button and than I filled the form and sent to ziggo.


If I can resolve with this method I will update you. Thanx again.

Level 20

By observing the number of locked upstream channels as displayed in the modem's web interface, you could determine whether you are located in a former Ziggo or UPC area (4 = fZiggo, 6 = fUPC).


DS-Lite (CGNAT) is used mostly in fUPC.

Level 2

Thank you for your support, I have requested to change modem mode to Bridge and all my setup has been started to working. Best regards.