can not log into my ziggo and cant reach customer service on the phone
the problem involves the sms code that is sent to an old number, I changed it last week on the website but when I try to login now, the sms is STILL sent to the previous phone number... unacceptable and very frustrating service.
Customer number: GA Korpos
Please help me either turn off the sms code verification, either DO apply the change of phone number that was done last week, thank you in advance
even to create this topic took me ages (got following error again and again
'Your post has been edited because invalid HTML was found in the body. The invalid HTML has been removed. Review the post and resubmit if you are happy with the result.')
cant wait to cancel my subscription with Ziggo and switch to another provider
** Moderator: deleted the customer number because of privacy reasons **
Opgelost! Ga naar oplossing.
Lukt het aanmaken van je account of het verifiëren van je mobiele nummer niet? Of zie je nog oude gegevens? Dit kan alléén een medewerker voor je herstellen. Neem contact met ons op.
Thank you @gittalexa! You can now log in again 😉
Jij bent de IT-hulplijn in je straat, de verlichting werkt thuis op commando en je groet de pakketbezorger met de slimme deurbel. Herkenbaar? Dan zijn de Community events echt iets voor jou! Doe mee en sluit je aan.
Good morning! Welcome to the Community @gittalexa
What an annoying situation! Especially since you've already spent so much time on it. Do you want to add your zip code, house number and telephone number to your community profile? This is only visible to moderators. Then I will help you further.
Thank you, I've done it. Old number ends with *426
Thank you @gittalexa! You can now log in again 😉
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