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Level 2

How can I change my mobile number for 2FA verification?

How can I change my mobile number for 2FA verification?

I cannot login.



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Lukt het aanmaken van je account of het verifiëren van je mobiele nummer niet? Of zie je nog oude gegevens? Dit kan alléén een medewerker voor je herstellen. Neem contact met ons op.

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Community Moderator

Good that you came back about this and sorry that you haven`t received a response about this yet.

It isn`t possible to use a foreign number for your 2FA on My Ziggo. You can only use Dutch numbers for this. That`s probably the reason why you are unable to change your number on your account. Because you no longer have access to your old number, I have disabled 2FA for you. Our advice is to use a very strong password for your My Ziggo account if you are unable to use 2FA.

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Level 19


WELCOME to this public customer helps customer forum, where Ziggo Moderators drop by from time to time. You can recognise them by Ziggo Community Ranks-08.png for their name.

To help you, the Ziggo mods will of course need your Ziggo details. So put (if you haven't already done so) your postcode and house number in your forum profiel, with this a mod can find out your details. If you want to share more private data, you can also use the field ‘’Personal comments‘’.

You could e.g. put your new mobile number ( for the 2FA ) in the ‘’Personal comments‘’ field. Maybe a Ziggo mod can adjust this directly for you.


Whether the Ziggo helpdesk ( tst 1200 ) can help you with this, I don't know. But I would wait for a Ziggo mod.

A Ziggo mod can resolve this for you. Please wait until 1 comes by here sometime, as soon as he/she will handle your question he/she will report here.


Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Hi, good morning @esegin 

It's annoying that you can't log in to my Vodafone. Is this because of the 2FA verification or is something else going on?  I can change this number for you. I will send you an activation code by text message, do you have it for me? Do you also want to add your old and new numbers in your community profile? This is easily visible to moderators.

Normally you can change the number for 2FA by following these steps:
1.Ga naar Veiligheid

2.Ga naar de tab Inloggen met een extra code

3.Klik op Mobiel nummer wijzigen

4.Vul het nieuwe telefoonnummer op waarop je voortaan de sms code wilt ontvangen

5.Klik op Code opvragen

6.Je ontvangt nu een code op het door jouw opgegeven mobiele nummer

7.Vink het vakje: ‘Dit is een vertrouwd apparaat. Blijf voor een aantal dagen ingelogd’ aan.

8.Vul de code in en klik op Code Controleren

0 Kudos
Level 2

Hi Krista,


I no longer have access to the phone number setup for 2FA. 

I have updated the Personal comments and included old and new phone (please be aware that new phone is different country code).

Thank you very much in advance.

Kind Regards


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Level 2

Hi @Krista ,


I would like to follow up on this topic. Would it be possible to change my 2FA number? 

I have updated the Personal comments and included old and new phone (please be aware that new phone is different country code).

Thank you very much in advance.

Kind Regards

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Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Good that you came back about this and sorry that you haven`t received a response about this yet.

It isn`t possible to use a foreign number for your 2FA on My Ziggo. You can only use Dutch numbers for this. That`s probably the reason why you are unable to change your number on your account. Because you no longer have access to your old number, I have disabled 2FA for you. Our advice is to use a very strong password for your My Ziggo account if you are unable to use 2FA.

Level 2

Thank you!

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