Opgelost! Ga naar oplossing.
Hi @Annuparna, welcome to the Ziggo Community
Mostly you see this error when your subscription if your subscription has just been installed. It can take 24 to 48 hours before your subscription is synchronized in our underlying systems. When I check your data, I see the technician installed your products on 3 January. At the time of posting this topic your subscription wasn't active yet, what explains this error. The error should be gone now.
Jij bent de IT-hulplijn in je straat, de verlichting werkt thuis op commando en je groet de pakketbezorger met de slimme deurbel. Herkenbaar? Dan zijn de Community events echt iets voor jou! Doe mee en sluit je aan.
There is a malfunction in the Ziggo Go app with logging in and the Ziggo employees are aware, see also the search bar or in this topic about this you will stay informed of the state of affairs.
@Dave De vraag gaat over Mijn Ziggo met foutcode 002, niet over de Ziggo Go app.
@Annapurna Have you previously had a subscription with Ziggo and are you trying to log in with previous login details?
Sorry @Bert omdat alles bijna plat lag dacht ik even de Ziggo Go. 😉 Dank je voor het herstel
Hi @Annuparna, welcome to the Ziggo Community
Mostly you see this error when your subscription if your subscription has just been installed. It can take 24 to 48 hours before your subscription is synchronized in our underlying systems. When I check your data, I see the technician installed your products on 3 January. At the time of posting this topic your subscription wasn't active yet, what explains this error. The error should be gone now.
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